Picture Make-Up day is on Tuesday, December 12th.
over 1 year ago, Bethel Elementary
Picture Make-Up Day
The SCA annual "Candy Cane Gram" fundraiser will begin starting on Monday. Students can purchase Candy Cane Grams for $1 per Candy Cane to send to friends, siblings, and staff members in the building. Candy Cane Grams will be available for purchase each morning during breakfast and will be hand-delivered each afternoon. All proceeds will go towards purchasing a book vending machine for the students at Bethel Elementary!
over 1 year ago, Bethel Elementary
Candy Cane Grams
Bethel Spirit Days begin next week! Join in on the fun!
over 1 year ago, Bethel Elementary
Bethel Spirit Days
Check out our latest E-Bulletin full of Holiday Happenings!
over 1 year ago, Bethel Elementary
Bethel Bear Tracks - December
Santa Breakfast Update! Please bring payment with you the morning of the Santa Breakfast. Money will not be collected ahead of time. If you already sent money in with your RSVP, it will be returned back to you. Thank you! We are so excited to see so many Bears and their families looking forward to the Santa Breakfast! Please continue to send in your RSVP!
over 1 year ago, Bethel Elementary
Santa Claus is coming to BETHEL! RSVP forms are being sent home with all students, please be sure to fill out one per family and return to school by December 11th to help us plan ahead for Santa visits and breakfast. We don't plan on turning anyone away, but please be aware that students must be accompanied by an adult in order to eat breakfast in the cafeteria and visit with Santa.
over 1 year ago, Bethel Elementary
Santa Breakfast
A new update from the BayPort Savings Day Program! If your student is not already set up for an account, there is still plenty of time left this school year.
over 1 year ago, Bethel Elementary
New Year More Saving
Check out our latest Bear Tracks E-Bulletin!
over 1 year ago, Bethel Elementary
Bear Tracks E-Bulletin
YIPPEEE! We are having a Book Fair! It will be open starting on Friday, December 1st through Friday, December 8th! Click on the Book Fair button on our homepage to order directly from the website or send in book fair money with your student to shop in person!
over 1 year ago, Bethel Elementary
We're Having a Book Fair
Order your Bethel Running Club Shirt today! We are on break for the cold weather, but that doesn't mean Bethel Run Club is over for the 2023-2024 school year! Students can still sign up to participate in the spring if they haven't already enrolled. Keep an eye out for more information as the weather warms back up after Winter Break. https://bethelrunningclub.itemorder.com/shop/home/
over 1 year ago, Bethel Elementary
Bethel Running Club
A huge THANK YOU to all of our Bethel Bears for donating toward our food drive for Bread for Life. We collected a total of 3,689 items! WOW! Amazing job, Bethel Bears! Pictured are the Bethel SCA Officers with Bonnie Hayman from Bread for Life.
over 1 year ago, Bethel Elementary
Food Drive and SCA Officers
Food Drive 2023
It's not too late to place your Original Works order! See the flyer for details. If you have any questions, please reach out to Kristin.Darlak@gc.k12.va.us
over 1 year ago, Bethel Elementary
It's Not Too Late
Please check your child’s take home folder for their Original Works flyer! Here is an example of what it looks like. If you go online and follow the prompts from the flyer, you will be able to see your child’s masterpiece, and the different products you can order, if you’d like! A portion of your purchase will come back to the school and help support the Bethel Elementary Art Program. The deadline to order is November 9, so the products can be created and shipped to the school by the beginning of December. I will then pass out the packages for students to take home with them. These make great Christmas gifts! If you have any questions, please email Kristin.Darlak@gc.k12.va.us
over 1 year ago, Bethel Elementary
Original Works
It's time to put your order in for this year's yearbook! Follow this link www.yearbookforever.com
over 1 year ago, Bethel Elementary
Calling all Veterans! Bethel Elementary and Bethel Elementary PTA want to celebrate YOU and thank you for your service. Please look for your student's invitation in their Communication Folder, they will be heading home today!
over 1 year ago, Bethel Elementary
Veterans Day Breakfast
This year, Anchored 4 Life has chosen to complete their yearly Community Project in honor of a former student and Forever Bethel Bear, Noah Thoey (Dec 10, 2009-Feb 11, 2023). Noah was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in May 2022, after having a regular physical for Boy Scout Camp. He was a avid gamer, Pokemon Hunter, and Scout, who always had a smile on his face and could light up a room with his fun personality! In a desire to honor Noah's giving spirit and desire to help others, Anchored 4 Life is hosting a TOY DRIVE in cooperation with the Wes Strong Foundation. The Wes Strong Foundation supports local children with Pediatric Cancer diagnoses, in addition to their families and the wildlife and environment that surrounds us. For more information on the Love Like Noah Foundation: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090674487418 Wes Strong Foundation: https://wesstrong.org/about-us
over 1 year ago, Bethel Elementary
A4L Community Service Project
Good news! We have successfully resolved the technical issues with our phone lines, internet, and ClassLink. Thank you for your patience, and we appreciate your understanding. If you encounter any further issues, please don't hesitate to reach out.
over 1 year ago, GCPS News
We're currently experiencing technical difficulties with our phone lines, internet, and ClassLink due to a network issue (bad gateway error). Our dedicated technology team is aware of the situation and is actively working with our trusted vendors to resolve this matter promptly. Thank you for your patience as we work to ensure smooth operations.
over 1 year ago, GCPS News
Our littlest bears send a HUGE THANK YOU to Que Gardner and Home Depot!
over 1 year ago, Bethel Elementary
Thank you!
Our SCA Halloween Spirit week starts on October 30th!
over 1 year ago, Bethel Elementary
SCA Halloween Spirit Week