Help us celebrate Unity Day on Wednesday and School Bus Safety Week on Friday!

What a great day celebrating Crunch Heard ‘Round the Commonwealth! We all enjoyed delicious apples from Spring Valley Orchards in Afton, Virginia! Be sure to follow the GCPS Nutrition Services (Virginia) Facebook page for exciting Nutrition and School Cafeteria News.

Check out our latest Bethel Bear Tracks E-Bulletin for important school and county information!

Sign up for Box Tops with Bethel Elementary PTA, or send in your receipts in an envelope and we'll scan them for you. Feel free to redact your payment information, all receipts will be scanned un using the PTA box top account.
We can earn DOUBLE POINTS this week!
Click on the images for directions on how to sign up!

Join us for our All Pro Dad Breakfast! You must register to attend. Click on the image for more details.

Homecoming Spirit Week is coming up on the week of September 25th! Show your school spirit!

Parents of students in Grades 3-5: Click on View Image to see the GCPS Growth Assessment letter for this school year.

Summer Reading Bingo sheets are due on August 30th!

Mark your calendars for Popsicles with the Principals! Join us at the Bethel Playground next to the bus loop on August 3rd for a meet and greet.

Join us for Open House!

Did you forget to buy your 2022-2023 Bethel yearbook? No worries, we still have some left! Stop in and buy yours today!

Mark your calendars to attend the Back 2 School Block Party and Resource Fair on August 5th from 2-6!

Mark your calendars: Gloucester Health Department is holding a Back-to-School Vaccine Clinic on July 18th. See image for details.

Final All Call Message from Dr. C. 06/30/2023
Good Evening GCPS Family:
This is Dr. Clemons calling. I hope that you are doing well on this Friday evening. As I close out my tenure today as Superintendent of Gloucester County Public Schools, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the community for the unwavering support that I have received over the last nine years. Gloucester County Public Schools is blessed to have outstanding students, families and staff and I could not have asked for a better community in which to work and live. Please know that I greatly appreciate your continuous and steadfast support for GCPS. I can truly say that we would not have been as successful over the years without your support, and for that I am forever grateful. I am confident that GCPS will continue to thrive with a continuing focus on improving student academic achievement where all students consistently receive first-class educational experiences and opportunities in safe and orderly environments conducive to learning.
I hope that you have a great weekend and enjoy the Fourth of July holiday. As a reminder, the school division will be closed on Monday, July 3rd and Tuesday, July 4th and will resume normal operations on Wednesday, July 5th.
Finally, it has been an honor to serve as “Your Superintendent” and I wish GCPS nothing but the best of success in the future. I am thankful to God that he gave me an opportunity to serve, and my family and I have been truly blessed to have been a part of your lives. Please know that I love each and every one of you, and I will continue to pray for you and the entire Gloucester community and hold GCPS forever close to my heart.
So in closing, thanks so much for everything. Stay safe, be blessed and for the final curtain call and last time:
Dr. C., Signing Off!!

Celebrating Dr. C! Join us at a drop-in reception from 4:00-6:30 PM on June 7th in the TCWEC Cafeteria.

The Bethel SCA will be having a spirit week on the week of May 15th to pump our students up for end of the year testing! See flyer for details.

Get out your PURPLE spirit wear, and any other PURPLE clothing you have (socks/shirts/shorts/shoes/sweaters/hair accessories- no hats in the building please) to show your support for the military child!
This year, we have 51 military-connected students enrolled at Bethel! These students make up just over 10% of our student population! To learn more about how Bethel supports our military children everyday, reach out to our amazing Teacher of the Year, Tara Lord. Ms. Lord has helped sponsor amazing programs such as Bears with Bravery (specifically for our military connected families) and Anchored for Life (a peer-to-peer club to connect youth while building change and resiliency skills). Ms. Lord was also instrumental in acquiring the school's Purple Star Award (awarded to military-friendly schools that have demonstrated a major commitment to students and families connected to our nation's military. Purple Star Schools supports military-connected children as they relocate to new schools due to a parent’s change in duty station)

Our Bethel Bear Run Club is increasing it's miles every week! In combined miles, our student runners have made it to down to the gulf of Mexico, passed through 15 states, and are more than three-fourths of the way across the country at the Arizona/Utah border!

Mark your calendars! Kindergarten registration begins April 17! Look for more information and links in the News Feed section of our website on the 17th.

GCPS Preschool information for 2023-2024 is available online--save this image to remember the steps! Visit our website to learn about the program. Then, complete the interest form to see if your child meets eligibility requirements for state funding and to receive the application form: https://gets.gc.k12.va.us/o/gcps/page/early-childhood-education